Wednesday, June 4, 2008

....Another Formula....

Today has been so fun....last night Brady was up most of the night grunting and squirming. We are now trying our third type of formula per our doctor's encouragement. I hope this one works. Two bottles down and so far so good. We will see.

After the second bottle, I put him in his bouncy seat that Buddy put together today and sat in front of him with the camera taking pictures. I couldn't believe I caught a big smile. I was so thrilled.

Buddy has been very busy with VBS this week and Jaydon has been going also. They have both been exhausted when they get home, so not a lot of things going on here at our house in the evenings with those two. Buddy did capture some good pictures of Jaydon yesterday. I can't remember if I posted it or not that when we start taking pictures of Brady or really anything.....Jaydon says, "Take a picture of Jaydon". We just laugh and say okay. He poses for them most of the time. He is so entertaining right now. We laugh quite often around here with Jaydon. Fun times at the Knott house!

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