Sunday, May 18, 2008

Change of Plans...

Okay, we were in for a surprise tonight when we went to church. I ran into our doctor before church started and we were talking and I was giving him an update. He then proceeded to tell me that he wanted us to come in early in the morning and he would probably go ahead and put her in after he checks her. WHAT???? Shocker!!! So then I had to tell our birthmother when she arrived at church that our doc wanted to see her after church to get an update from her....Needless to say, he said the same thing to her and we both freaked out again like we did the day we found out she was dilated 2cm. So, she got upset her way, and I did my way. But, once again, my family to the rescue. Buddy was so positive and encouraging. He kept telling me that God is in control. He is going to take care of us regardless. So eventually I calmed down and realized that I had taken my focus off of Him for a while and needed to regroup.

The latest is that we go in the doctor's office at 8:30 in the morning. Then if she is at least 3cm he is going to put her in the hospital and get everything going. So our baby will be here sooner rather than later.

We will update once we hear from the visit and have access to a computer, but for now I wanted to update you with some pictures of the three of us and some of just Jaydon. He had a blast eating cheetos this afternoon and decided he wanted me to take some pictures of him sitting under the tree out front....which has never happened before. He usually doesn't want to sit still long enough. But this was his idea for me to go get the camera! Too Funny!!!

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